We found 37 results for your search.

TWG News 1991

…David Marples in D.C. (bl – Marta Jarosewich); Chornobyl Commemoration Events (bl -Marta Pereyma); Antonovych Awards (bl -Irene Jarosewich) June Washington Discussion of USSR breakup (bl -R.L. Chomiak (JANUS)); Reflections…

TWG News 1994

…Picnic (bl -Natalie Sluzar); Commerce Department’s NIS-related Programs; The Fourth Immigration ( bl -Eugene Lemcio) November-December TWG Leadership Conference “Building a Global Ukrainian Community” (bl -Yaro Bihun and Jane Kunka)…

TWG News 1998

…and Opinion Polling in Ukraine; TWG Intern Taras Seryy Completes Embassy Assignment October-November Ambassador Stephen Sestanovich Addressed the Role of TWG and Diaspora in Promoting U.S.-Ukraine Relations; UMANA and TWG…

Videos 2011

…Deychakiwsky, U.S. Helsinki Commission, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) observer; Bohdan Futey, U.S. Court of Federal Claims; Nadia McConnell, U.S. – Ukraine Foundation; Lawrence Silverman, U.S. Department…

Conference Booklets

Year Description Conference Theme Video Available 1986 Conference Booklet Professional Community Activism 1987 Conference Booklet No Theme Specified/ Conference Addressed “Perception of Ukrainians” 1989 Conference Booklet Changes in Ukraine: Assessment…

Videos 2000

Video 2000-10 Title: TWG Leadership Conference – Ukraine: Integrating into the Global Community #1 October 7, 2000 / Key Bridge Marriott, Arlington, VA Conference Opening: Ihor Kotlarchuk, George Masiuk Keynote…

Videos 2001

…Future #2 October 20, 2001 / Key Bridge Marriott, Arlington, VA Panel 2: Ambassador’s Forum – Ukraine’s Integration into the European Community and NATO Ambassadors: Nadia Diuk (moderator), Amb. Martin…

TWG News 1989

…TWG Meetings in Ukraine; Commemorating Sichovi Striltsi in Kyiv; “Eneyida” in Kyiv; Trusteeship of Ivan Honchar (bl -Marta Zielyk); Student Revival (bl -Adrian Karmazyn); Ukraine’s Media Environment (bl -Adrian Karmazyn)…

TWG News 1997

…Masiuk — Panels – Creating a Model of a Successful Community: Lessons from Other Communities — How are Ukrainian-American Organizations Doing — Exercising Influence — Building Connections to Ukraine —…

Videos 1997

…George Masiuk Keynote Address: Ambassador Yuriy Shcherbak Panel 1: Creating a Model of a Successful Community: Lessons from Other Communities Speakers: Adrian Karmazyn (moderator), Ewa Matuszewski, Fred Rotondaro, Daniel Blondy…