The Washington Group (TWG), in partnership with the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States, is pleased to announce a summer 2025 internship opportunity at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, DC.
TWG, an association of Ukrainian-American professionals in the Capital area, will provide a stipend in the amount of $3000 for the eight-week internship at the Embassy. Applicants must be citizens of Ukraine who are international students enrolled at a U.S. university or who are legal residents of the United States.
The TWG intern at the Embassy of Ukraine will report to a designated employee at the Embassy and may be engaged in the following activities:
-Attending and monitoring Ukraine-related events in Washington as assigned
-Research, writing and translation
-Assistance with organization of events and meetings at the Embassy or Ukraine House
-General office tasks and other duties as assigned
The sponsorship of the Embassy internship by The Washington Group reflects an important part of its mission: providing opportunities for college students and young professionals with an interest in Ukraine to gain additional expertise on Ukraine, U.S.-Ukraine relations and diplomacy in Washington. The internship is meant to provide a meaningful learning experience to an intern aspiring to explore career options as a foreign policy specialist engaged in Ukraine-related issues.
Applicants must submit a one-page resume-CV highlighting their educational, work and volunteer experience and an essay – no longer than 1000 words — describing their interest in Ukraine and U.S.-Ukraine relations, why they are pursuing the internship, what they hope to gain from the experience as well as any other information that demonstrates the candidate’s commitment to succeed in this endeavor. Native or near-native fluency in English and Ukrainian are required.
The text of the resume-CV and essay IN ENGLISH must be pasted into the body of an email and sent to Do not include any attachments in the email. The application deadline is March 8, 2025.
Applications will be reviewed by the Fellowship Fund Committee of The Washington Group. The top applicants, as determined by the committee, will be recommended to the Embassy of Ukraine for final review of their application materials. The selection process will include written assignments and interviews with top candidates. Final selection of the intern rests with the Embassy.
Neither TWG nor the Embassy of Ukraine will cover any expenses for the intern beyond the $3000 stipend.
For more information about TWG visit: